Convert a string to number and back to string?
A string-to-number encoder as one-liner (PHP 5.3 style):
$numbers = implode(array_map(function ($n) { return sprintf('%03d', $n); },
unpack('C*', $str)));
It simply converts every byte into its decimal number equivalent, zero-padding it to a fixed length of 3 digits so it can be unambiguously converted back.
The decoder back to a string:
$str = implode(array_map('chr', str_split($numbers, 3)));
Example text:
Wörks wíth all ストリングズ
You can't just ORD chars into a string of numbers and expect it to come back because some chars may be on 2 characters and others 3.
For example:
Kang-HO will give you: 10797106103457279
Now how do you know it's not: 10-79-71-0-61-0-34-57-27-9?
You need to either pad all your numbers in 3 number codes and thus get: 107097106103045072079 and then break it apart in blocks of 3 numbers and then ASC them back...