Convert an integer to a binary string with leading zeros
is binary representation of 3
. The binary representation of this value is 2
3 = 20 * 1 + 21 * 1
You can use String.PadLeft(Int, Char)
method to add these zeros.
// convert number 3 to binary string.
// And pad '0' to the left until string will be not less then 4 characters
Convert.ToString(3, 2).PadLeft(4, '0') // 0011
Convert.ToString(3, 2).PadLeft(8, '0') // 00000011
You can use these methods:
public static class BinaryExt
public static string ToBinary(this int number, int bitsLength = 32)
return NumberToBinary(number, bitsLength);
public static string NumberToBinary(int number, int bitsLength = 32)
string result = Convert.ToString(number, 2).PadLeft(bitsLength, '0');
return result;
public static int FromBinaryToInt(this string binary)
return BinaryToInt(binary);
public static int BinaryToInt(string binary)
return Convert.ToInt32(binary, 2);
int number = 3;
string byte3 = number.ToBinary(8); // output: 00000011
string bits32 = BinaryExt.NumberToBinary(3); // output: 00000000000000000000000000000011
I've created a method to dynamically write leading zeroes
public static string ToBinary(int myValue)
string binVal = Convert.ToString(myValue, 2);
int bits = 0;
int bitblock = 4;
for (int i = 0; i < binVal.Length; i = i + bitblock)
{ bits += bitblock; }
return binVal.PadLeft(bits, '0');
At first we convert my value to binary. Initializing the bits to set the length for binary output. One Bitblock has 4 Digits. In for-loop we check the length of our converted binary value und adds the "bits" for the length for binary output.
Examples: Input: 1 -> 0001; Input: 127 -> 01111111 etc....
public static String HexToBinString(this String value)
String binaryString = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt32(value, 16), 2);
Int32 zeroCount = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling(Convert.ToDouble(binaryString.Length) / 8)) * 8;
return binaryString.PadLeft(zeroCount, '0');