Convert from a textplain reference to bibtex

The only tool that I am aware of is the text2bib web based converter hosted at the University of Toronto.

It will do a good first pass although the file will need some hand editing after conversion.

JabRef has the functionaly New entry from plain text:

Using FreeCite


O. Kopp, A. Armbruster, und O. Zimmermann, "Markdown Architectural Decision Records: Format and Tool Support", in 10th ZEUS Workshop, 2018.
  1. Click BibTeX and select "New entry from plain text..." Alternatively, you can press Ctrl+Shift+N.

  2. Select an entry type. Select "InProceedings", this works in the most cases

  3. The "Plain text import" window opens

  4. Paste the entry using the middle button "paste"

  5. Click on "Parse with FreeCite"

  6. The entry editor opens with the parsed result:

    Do your corrections there.

Manual way

After step 4 from above, you can manually assign the types to each text.

  • Select the text
  • Double click on the type at the right side at "Available BibTeX fields"

After you finished, you can press "Accept".


Other alternatives are and ParsCit (see