convert HTML DOM structure to JSON

I'm new here and i couldn't find how to post a comment. I wanted to ask you if this is always the structure, no matter the dept. If the answer is no, then don't read my answer :).

So first of all i added a function getPrevious, because directly trying to get the previous sibling returns you a text node. Next i changed the recursion a little bit, because it's not a simple recursion, the json format (the parent-child relations) is different then the html format. I tried it for 2 more levels and it's ok. I hope it's helpful and sorry if it's not.

    function getPrevious(element)
        var prev_el = element.previousSibling;
        while (prev_el.nodeType == 3)
            prev_el = prev_el.previousSibling;
        return prev_el;

    function recursive(element){
        //var classname = element.className.split(' ');
        // element.nodeName == 'UL'
        var Result = {"title": '', "json": {}};
        var json = {};
        var cur_json_key = '';
        if( element.nodeType == 3 )
            //console.log( element.nodeType, element );

            var nodeName = element.nodeName.toLowerCase();
            var nodeClass = element.className.toLowerCase();

            // if this is the SPAN with class 'TITLE', then create an object with the innerHTML as KEY
            // and later the value should be another object, returned from the recursion...
            if( nodeName == 'span' && nodeClass == 'title' ){
                json[element.innerHTML] = {};
                Result.title = element.innerHTML;
                Result.json = json;
            if( nodeName == 'input' ){
                // if this is an INPUT field, then the SPAN sibling before it is the KEY.
                var key = getPrevious(element).innerHTML;
                var val = element.value;
                Result.json[key] = val;
                var is_title_found = 0;
                var title_found = '';
                var res = {}
                // go deeper
                for( var child=0; child < element.childNodes.length; child++ ){
                    //json = $.extend( {}, recursive( element.childNodes[child] ));
                    res = recursive( element.childNodes[child]);
                    if (res)
                        if (res.title != '')
                            is_title_found = 1;
                            title_found = res.title;
                            $.extend(true, json, res.json);
                if (title_found)
                    Result.json[title_found] = json
                    Result.json = json;
            return Result;

If you can convince yourself to using jQuery, try this:

function helper(root) {
  var result = {};

  $('> ul > li > span', root).each(function () {
    result[$(this).text()] = $(this).hasClass('title') ? helper($(this).parent()) : $(this).next('input').val();

  return result;
