Convert laravel object to array

UPDATE since version 5.4 of Laravel it is no longer possible.

You can change your db config, like @Varun suggested, or if you want to do it just in this very case, then:


// then
DB::table(..)->get(); // array of arrays instead of objects

// of course to revert the fetch mode you need to set it again

For New Laravel above 5.4 (Ver > 5.4) see fetch mode section

Event::listen(StatementPrepared::class, function ($event) {

Just in case somebody still lands here looking for an answer. It can be done using plain PHP. An easier way is to reverse-json the object.

function objectToArray(&$object)
    return @json_decode(json_encode($object), true);

this worked for me:

    return (array) $item;


    return (array) $item;

foreach($yourArrayName as $object)
    $arrays[] = $object->toArray();
// Dump array with object-arrays

Or when toArray() fails because it's a stdClass

foreach($yourArrayName as $object)
    $arrays[] =  (array) $object;
// Dump array with object-arrays

Not working? Maybe you can find your answer here:

Convert PHP object to associative array