Convert python-igraph graph to networkx

You can initiate a networkx graph with edges:

Graph([(1,2), (3,4)])

See the documentation.


This is how to use it (Thank you nimafl for the code):

graph is the igraph graph and we create G which is a networkx graph.

import networkx
A = graph.get_edgelist()
G = networkx.DiGraph(A) # In case your graph is directed
G = networkx.Graph(A) # In case you graph is undirected

As I try to store names of nodes/edges on both igraph or nx, this is my one-liner version which also transfers nodes names while transferring from igraph object, g, to nx, G, the result:

G = nx.from_edgelist([(names[x[0]], names[x[1]])
                      for names in [g.vs['name']] # simply a let
                      for x in g.get_edgelist()], nx.DiGraph())

Also if you need the reverse way, have a look at this answer.