Convert source code to syntax highlighted image

Software Requirements

The following software packages are available for both Windows and Linux systems, and are required for a complete, working solution:

  • gvim - Used to export syntax highlighted source code to HTML.
  • moria - Colour scheme for syntax highlighting.
  • wkhtmltopdf - Converts HTML documents to PDF or PostScript (PS) documents.
  • Ghostscript - Used to convert PS to PNG.
  • ImageMagick - Used to trim the PNG and add a border.

General Steps

Here is how the solution works:

  1. Load the source code into an editor that can add splashes of colour.
  2. Export the source code as an HTML document (with embedded FONT tags).
  3. Convert the HTML document to a PS file.
  4. Convert the PS file to a PNG file.
  5. Trim the white border of the PNG and the overzealous source code border.
  6. Add a border around the image, using the same background colour as the HTML document.
  7. Delete temporary files.


Install the components into the following locations:

  • gvim - C:\Program Files\Vim
  • moria - C:\Program Files\Vim\vim73\colors
  • wkhtmltopdf - C:\Program Files\wkhtml
  • Ghostscript - C:\Program Files\gs
  • ImageMagick - C:\Program Files\ImageMagick

Note: ImageMagick has a program called convert.exe, which cannot supersede the Windows convert command. Because of this, the full path to convert.exe must be hard-coded in the batch file (as opposed to adding ImageMagick to the PATH).

Environment Variables

Add or update the following environment variables:

  • GS_LIB = C:\Program Files\gs\gs9.00\lib
  • GS_PROG = C:\Program Files\gs\gs9.00\bin\gswin32.exe
  • PATH = "C:\Program Files\Vim\vim73";"C:\Program Files\wkhtml";"C:\Program Files\gs\gs9.00\bin"

Batch File

Here is the batch source text:


ECHO Converting %1 to %1.html ...

gvim -e %1 -c "set nobackup" -c ":colorscheme moria" -c :TOhtml -c wq -c :q

ECHO Converting %1.html to ...

wkhtmltopdf --quiet --dpi 1200 %1.html

ECHO Converting %1.pdf to %1.png ...
IF EXIST %1.png DEL /q %1.png

 -dTextAlphaBits=4 -sOutputFile=%1.png

ECHO Trimming %1.png ...

move %1.png %1.orig.png

"C:\Program Files\ImageMagick\convert.exe" -trim +repage -trim +repage ^
  -bordercolor "#f0f0f0" -border 25x25 %1.orig.png %1.png

ECHO Removing old files ...
IF EXIST %1.orig.png DEL /q %1.orig.png
IF EXIST %1.html DEL /q %1.html