Convert String to NSDecimalNumber

Use an NSNumberFormatter to parse your input. Set its generatesDecimalNumbers property to true:

let formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.generatesDecimalNumbers = true

Here's how you use it, if you want to return 0 when the string can't be parsed:

func decimal(with string: String) -> NSDecimalNumber {
    return formatter.number(from: string) as? NSDecimalNumber ?? 0

decimal(with: "80.00")

// Result: 80 as an NSDecimalNumber

By default, the formatter will look at the device's locale setting to determine the decimal marker. You should leave it that way. For the sake of example, I'll force it to a French locale:

// DON'T DO THIS. Just an example of behavior in a French locale.
formatter.locale = Locale(identifier: "fr-FR")

decimal(with: "80,00")
// Result: 80

decimal(with: "80.00")
// Result: 0

If you really want to always use a comma as the decimal mark, you can set the decimalSeparator property:

formatter.decimalSeparator = ","

There is nothing wrong with the way you are creating a NSDecimalNumber from a String. However, you might not need to worry about replacing the comma with a period if that is how your local formats numbers.

The reason it prints 80 instead of 80,00 or 80.00 is that print just uses the description property of the number. If you want to customize the formatting, you should setup your own NSNumberFormatter.

let number = NSDecimalNumber(string: "80.00")
print(number) // 80
let formatter = NSNumberFormatter()
formatter.minimumFractionDigits = 2
let string = formatter.stringFromNumber(number)
print(string) // 80.0