Convert String variable to a List [Groovy]

This does work for me. And will not work in Jenkins groovy script. I have tried.

assert "[a,b,c]".tokenize(',[]') == [a,b,c]

def l =

Takes the string of groovy code (in this case "[10,1,9]") and evaluates it as groovy. This will give you a list of 3 ints.

Use the built-in JsonSlurper!

Using Eval is dangerous and the string manipulation solution will fail once the data type is changed so it is not adaptable. So it's best to use JsonSlurper.

import groovy.json.JsonSlurper

//List of ints 
def ids = "[10, 1, 9]"
def idList = new JsonSlurper().parseText(ids)

assert 10 == idList[0]

//List of strings 
def ids = '["10", "1", "9"]'
idList = new JsonSlurper().parseText(ids)

assert '10' == idList[0]

def l = ids.split(',').collect{it as int}