convert svg to image programmatically
I made a couple of changes to you code here: I think InkScape was having a problem with you paths, you'd used
PngRelativeDirectory + "\" + pngFileName
PngRelativeDirectory already had a "\" in it so the path was coming our as c:\\sample.png
Also i changed the Context.RewritePath to Response.Redirect - I get the pie chart rendered in the browser the browser.
string svgFileName = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("sample.svg");
string PngRelativeDirectory = "C:\\";
string pngName = "svgpieresult.png";
string pngFileName = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(pngName);
/* ignored assume sample.svg is in the web app directory
using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(svgFileName, false))
string inkscapeArgs = string.Format(@"-f ""{0}"" -e ""{1}""", svgFileName, pngFileName);
Process inkscape = Process.Start(
new ProcessStartInfo( "C:\\Program Files\\inkscape\\inkscape.exe", inkscapeArgs));