Convert UTM zone into EPSG code

Use pyproj (version 2.2+):

from pyproj import CRS

# use PROJ string, assuming a default WGS84
crs = CRS.from_string('+proj=utm +zone=36 +south')
# or dictionary
crs = CRS.from_dict({'proj': 'utm', 'zone': 36, 'south': True})

print(crs.to_authority())  # ('EPSG', '32736')

In Python, You can use osr, which comes with gdal:

import osr

zone = '36'
south = True

epsg_code = 32600
epsg_code += int(zone)
if south is True:
    epsg_code += 100

print (epsg_code) # will be 32736

spatref = osr.SpatialReference()
wkt_crs = spatref.ExportToWkt()
print (wkt_crs)