Convert Vec<String> into a slice of &str in Rust?

You can create a function that accepts both &[String] and &[&str] using the AsRef trait:

fn test<T: AsRef<str>>(inp: &[T]) {
    for x in inp { print!("{} ", x.as_ref()) }

fn main() {
    let vref = vec!["Hello", "world!"];
    let vown = vec!["May the Force".to_owned(), "be with you.".to_owned()];

This is actually impossible without memory allocation1.

Going from String to &str is not just viewing the bits in a different light; String and &str have a different memory layout, and thus going from one to the other requires creating a new object. The same applies to Vec and &[]

Therefore, whilst you can go from Vec<T> to &[T], and thus from Vec<String> to &[String], you cannot directly go from Vec<String> to &[&str]. Your choices are:

  • either accept &[String]
  • allocate a new Vec<&str> referencing the first Vec, and convert that into a &[&str]

As an example of the allocation:

fn usage(_: &[&str]) {}

fn main() {
    let owned = vec![String::new()];

    let half_owned: Vec<_> = owned.iter().map(String::as_str).collect();


1 The conversion required is impossible, however using generics and the AsRef<str> bound as shown in @aSpex's answer you get a slightly more verbose function declaration with the flexibility you were asking for.