Convert Xamarin.Forms.Color to platform specific color

I guess you try to do this in a custom renderer.

In iOS, you'd do:

UIColor uicolor = yourXFColor.ToUIColor ();

In Android:

Android.Graphics.Color adColor = yourXFColor.ToAndroidColor ();

Unfortunately, the equivalent extension methods are not public for WP, but you can do this:

System.Windows.Media.Color wpColor = System.Windows.Media.Color.FromArgb (
            (byte)(yourXFColor.A * 255),
            (byte)(yourXFColor.R * 255),
            (byte)(yourXFColor.G * 255),
            (byte)(yourXFColor.B * 255));

then eventually:

Brush brush = new SolidColorBrush (wpColor);

Currently you can do this with the "ToAndroid()" extension method in Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android.

using Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android;
Android.Graphics.Color droidColor = formsColor.ToAndroid();

Going off of the previous answers here, but Xamarin has now placed the ToAndroid() method in a ColorExtensions helper class.

using Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android
Android.Graphics.Color color = ColorExtensions.ToAndroid(formsColor);