Converting a Predicate<T> to a Func<T, bool>
The two types represent the same logical signature, but that doesn't mean they're just interchangable. A straight assignment won't work, for example - but you can create a new Func<T, bool>
from the Predicate<T, bool>
. Sample code:
Predicate<string> pred = x => x.Length > 10;
// Func<string, bool> func = pred; // Error
Func<string, bool> func = new Func<string, bool>(pred); // Okay
This is a bit like having two enum
types with the same values - you can convert between them, but you have to do so explicitly. They're still separate types.
In your case, this means you could write:
public bool DoAllHaveSomeProperty()
return m_instrumentList.All(new Func<T, bool>(m_filterExpression));
The lambda expression approach suggested by other answers will work too, of course.
public bool DoAllHaveSomeProperty()
return m_instrumentList.All(i => m_filterExpression(i));
You can convert a predicate to a method by calling Invoke. All delegates have this member. Delegates don't have structural identity, but methods can be converted to matching delegates. This fix has a minor performance cost, as it adds an extra layer of indirection. However, most solutions to this problem have that problem. Eric Lippert discusses this in more detail at .
In your specific case, replace return m_instrumentList.All(m_filterExpression);
with return m_instrumentList.All(m_filterExpression.Invoke);
Sample code demonstrating the actual problem.
void Main()
Predicate<int> t1 = Foo;
Func<int,bool> t2 = Foo;
Predicate<int> t3 = t2.Invoke; //Legal
Func<int,bool> t4 = t1.Invoke; //Legal
Predicate<int> t5 = t2; //Illegal
Func<int,bool> t6 = t1; //Illegal
bool Foo(int x)
return x > 20;