Converting MapInfo TAB and/or MIF to SHP using free tools or ArcGIS for Desktop core product?

You can also do this with QGIS. Basically, QGIS acts as a GUI for ogr2ogr.

Just load the Mapinfo file, right-click the layer in TOC and go to "Save as ..." where you can chose from many output formats.

You can use ogr2ogr:

ogr2ogr -f 'ESRI Shapefile' output.shp input.mif

NB: For Windows, use double quotes around the driver name: ogr2ogr -f "ESRI Shapefile" output.shp input.mif

To handle different geometries in one file in one pass (windows example):

for %%a in (linestring point polygon) do ogr2ogr -skipfailures -nlt %%a outdir\%%a

Or in Linux (Bash):

for a in linestring point polygon; do ogr2ogr -skipfailures -nlt $a outdir/$a; done

George is correct, although for me, the toolbar is named ArcView 8x Tools.

For TAB files, ogr is pretty handy as well, and will handle lots of formats -

ogr2ogr -

Easiest install is probably with FWTools -