Converting Storyboard from iPhone to iPad

If you had created a universal project, by default empty iPad storyboard would have been created, you just have to select iPhone storyboard select all (Command+A), copy (Command+C) and paste it on iPad storyboard. Make sure to move the entry point from the empty storyboard to newly copied storyboard before compiling.

I found out a kind of solution:

  1. Duplicate your iPhone-Storyboard and rename it MainStoryboard_iPad.storyboard

  2. Close Xcode and then open this file any text editor.

  3. Search for targetRuntime="iOS.CocoaTouch"and change it to targetRuntime="iOS.CocoaTouch.iPad"

  4. Change the code in the MainStoryboard_iPad.storyboard from:

    <simulatedScreenMetrics key="destination" type="retina4"/> to

    <simulatedScreenMetrics key="destination"/>

  5. Now save everything and reopen Xcode. The iPad-Storyboard has the same contents as the iPhone-file but everyting could be disarranged.

This saved me hours - hopefully this will help you