Converting strings like document.cookie to objects

note : The document.cookie (question headline) is semicolon separated and not comma separated (question) ...

An alternative using reduce :

var str = 'foo=bar; baz=quux';
var obj = str.split(/[;] */).reduce(function(result, pairStr) {
  var arr = pairStr.split('=');
  if (arr.length === 2) { result[arr[0]] = arr[1]; }
  return result;
}, {});

Given an array a containing your intermediate form:

[['foo', 'bar'], ['baz', 'quux']]

then simply:

var obj = {};
for (var i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) {
   var tmp = a[i];
   obj[tmp[0]] = tmp[1];

Why exactly do you need JSON.parse in here? Modifying your arrays example

let str = "foo=bar; baz=quux";

str = str.split('; ');
const result = {};
for (let i in str) {
    const cur = str[i].split('=');
    result[cur[0]] = cur[1];


The shortest way

 document.cookie.split('; ').reduce((prev, current) => {
    const [name, ...value] = current.split('=');
    prev[name] = value.join('=');
    return prev;
  }, {});