CoordinatorLayout and AppBarLayout elevation
is now deprecated for AppBarLayout.
The new correct implementation for applying custom elevation to an AppBarLayout based on the state of the layout is to use a StateListAnimator. material-components uses this as you can see here
I've added an example implementation of always showing AppBarLayout elevation here in this gist.
All you need is to 1. create a custom state list animator under /res/animator
and 2. set the AppBarLayout's StateListAnimator like so:
appBarLayout.stateListAnimator = AnimatorInflater.loadStateListAnimator(context, R.animator.appbar_always_elevated_state_list_animator)
This is actually an implementation detail of CollapsingToolbarLayout
, as seen in the source code:
if (Math.abs(verticalOffset) == scrollRange) {
// If we have some pinned children, and we're offset to only show those views,
// we want to be elevate
ViewCompat.setElevation(layout, layout.getTargetElevation());
} else {
// Otherwise, we're inline with the content
ViewCompat.setElevation(layout, 0f);
Which removes the elevation when the CollapsingToolbarLayout
is showing non-pinned elements - by default, it'll only have elevation when only pinned children are visible.
The solution is to use app:elevation=0dp
to remove the default elevation and set android:translationZ
to the elevation you want.
Note : The code below uses the latest AndroidX / Material libraries and might not work if you're using the old support library
* `app:elevation=0dp` disables the default shadow that is automatically added on
scroll ; other values e.g. `6dp` are ignored despite what the official doc says
(see below)
* so instead we're using `android:translationZ` to add a shadow with a custom
The documentation for AppBarLayout # setTargetElevation() states that you can set a custom elevation value using the app:elevation
attribute, but it didn't work for me for values greater than 0dp
, so I'm using translationZ
as a workaround.
the reason is above,try this to solve:
appBarLayout.addOnOffsetChangedListener(new AppBarLayout.OnOffsetChangedListener() {
public void onOffsetChanged(AppBarLayout appBarLayout, int verticalOffset) {
//some other code here
ViewCompat.setElevation(appBarLayout, The Elevation In Px);