Copy from vim to python console in tmux
first your vim should be compiled with +clipboard
see vim --version | grep 'clipboard'
To copy ( or delete ) in any vim register you can use the following syntex
"<register name><oprator><motion>
(see:h registers
(copy current line in registera
) or"bdd
(delete current line in registerb
) or"*ce
(delete to the end of the current work and place content in register*
will also put you in insert mode
- to copy whole line you can use
- and system clipboard is mapped to either
( depending on the os )
so to copy the whole line into system clipboard you can use
(depending on the os)
or to copy 2 lines
( to copy current and the line after current line )
once the content is copied in the system clipboard you can paste in tmux using ( command + v
or ctrl + shift + v
or to map system clipboard with tmux paste buffer see