Copy shell script output to clipboard

If you do that on Windows 10 LXXS Ubuntu bash you can do following command, working also on WSL2.

Copy from WSL to Windows Clipboard

echo "What so ever..." | clip.exe

The other way around piping the Windows clipboard to WSL can be done with help of the PowerShell. It has a command called Get-Clipboard and a nice short alias gcb.

Paste inside WSL from Windows Clipboard

powershell.exe -Command gcb | cat

If you use this more often you could create an alias in the bash like

alias wcopy="powershell.exe -Command gcb"

and then quickly use as

wcopy | cat

You can use the xclip command.

 echo hello | xclip

Instructions for obtaining xclip are here.

That may depend on the environment you're using. With Gnome at least (I haven't tried the others but it may work), you can pipe your output as follows:

echo 123 | xclip
echo 123 | xclip -sel clip

The first goes to the mouse clipboard, the second to the "normal" clipboard.

You can use pbcopy which is native for Mac OS.

Try this command:

echo "variable" | pbcopy

it will copy the string "variable" into your clipboard.


