Correct way to access current application configuration

There are a couple modern ways, as of this writing, when trying to access it from your application:

  1. import ENV from 'your-application-name/config/environment';
    • your-application-name should be what's in the modulePrefix key of config/environment.js and the name key of package.json
  2. Via Ember.getOwner(this).resolveRegistration('config:environment');

Number one assumes you're using Ember CLI and is detailed in the ember docs under Configuring Your App:

Ember CLI ships with support for managing your application's environment. Ember CLI will setup a default environment config file at config/environment. Here, you can define an ENV object for each environment, which are currently limited to three: development, test, and production.

The ENV object contains three important keys:

  • EmberENV can be used to define Ember feature flags (see the Feature Flags guide).
  • APP can be used to pass flags/options to your application instance.
  • environment contains the name of the current environment (development,production or test).

You can access these environment variables in your application code by importing from your-application-name/config/environment.

You can access it by importing environment.js using the line below:

import config from '../config/environment';

For example, lets say you want to access your configuration in a controller. This is what it would look like:

import Ember from 'ember';
import config from '../config/environment';

export default Ember.Controller.extend({
  foo: config.APP.AuthURL

If you need to, you can now access it in your controller's template using:
