Correct way to bind parameters using MySQL "IN" syntax in Yii2?

I've found this solution

$params = [];
$sql = \Yii::$app->db->getQueryBuilder()->buildCondition(['IN', 'some_id', $ids], $params);
//$sql = some_id NOT IN (:qp0, :qp1, :qp2)
//$params = [':qp0'=>1, ':qp1'=>2, ':qp2'=>3]
$this->db->createCommand("UPDATE some_table SET something='foo' WHERE $sql", $params);

You can just use Yii's QueryBuilder functions and everything will be handled automatically. Try this:

$params = [];
$sql = \Yii::$app->db->getQueryBuilder()->update('some_table', ['something' => 'foo'], ['some_id' => [1, 2, 3]], $params);

The result:

string(78) "UPDATE `some_table` SET `something`=:qp0 WHERE `some_id` IN (:qp1, :qp2, :qp3)"
array(4) { [":qp0"]=> string(3) "foo" [":qp1"]=> int(1) [":qp2"]=> int(2) [":qp3"]=> int(3) } 

Yii2's DB functions are based on PDO. According to the manual of bindValue there's no support of value from Array type. (Third parameter - data_type).

The solution is to create a string prior to the query, which fits to your IN clause and bind it as a string.

Something like:

$parents = "1,2,3";
Or in case you already have an array of the desirable ids:
$parents_array = array(1,2,3);
$parents = implode(",",$parents_array);

$sql = $this->db->createCommand("UPDATE some_table SET something='foo' WHERE some_id IN (:parents)");
$sql->bindValue(':parents', $parents); 


It seems that the placeholder being replaced by the imploded array as a one string value '1,2,3' instead of '1','2','3' (since it's a single placeholder).

In order to solve this issue, i'll suggest using the multiple ? placeholders. So instead of having IN (:parents) you would have IN (?, ?, ?, ? ,....), and since we already have an arranged array - we can use count($array) to know how much placeholders we need to put.

//$parents = array(1,2,3);
$placeholders = str_repeat('?,', count($parents) - 1). '?';
$sql = $this->db->createCommand("UPDATE some_table SET something='foo' WHERE some_id IN (".$placeholders.")");

foreach($parents as $i => $parent){
 $sql->bindValue($i+1, $parent);  

Please notice the passed value of the first parameter of bindValue; The reason it's $i+1 and not $i mentioned in the manual:

For a prepared statement using question mark placeholders, this will be the 1-indexed position of the parameter.

For further information and alternative solutions, look at the following answer:




