Could not find a storyboard named

In info.plist please check if values for properties UISceneStoryboardFile and UIMainStoryboardFile are correct




This may be due to different reasons. Check the below:

  1. Check the spelling of your storyboard name. Maybe it is different or capital letters may be different
  2. Check your bundle resources contain this storyboard from by selecting Target->Build Phases->Copy Bundle Resources. If not add it by the below plus button.
  3. Delete your app from the iOS Simulator. Then reinstall the app.
  4. Try to rename the storyboard and apply same name in Main storyboard file base name in your application plist file.

I know this is an old post but just in case someone wanders in here with a similar problem. My issue was we have over a dozen targets and I was not selecting them when I created the SB.

In the left hand column, under File Inspector, make sure you check the membership that the file should belong to.


