Could not find acceptable representation
request doesn't work because Spring doesn't know what kind of data it's expecting. So you will need to tell spring that you're expecting APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE
so it knows how to process. consumes=
will, as you probably guessed, tell Spring what the incoming POST
body context type.
@RequestMapping(value = "xyz", method = RequestMethod.POST, consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public @ResponseBody AbcDTO registerHotel(@RequestBody AbcDTO aaa) {
return aaa;
// I'm not able to map JSON into this Object
With PostMapping
@PostMapping(value = "xyz", consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public @ResponseBody AbcDTO registerHotel(@RequestBody AbcDTO aaa) {
return aaa;
// I'm not able to map JSON into this Object
As you can see I have also added something else called, produces=
this will instruct Spring how to format the response body of that request. So frontend receives JSON
formatted body, not just random text.
I just spent half a day on this error, and finally discovered that Spring's ContentNegotiationConfigurer by default favours the path extension if it's present. I had this particular mapping:
public Map<String, String> convert(@PathVariable String fileName, @RequestBody String data) {
// Do conversion
Now when I posted to this controller with a filename "outputfile.pdf", Spring would simply assume the response had to be PDF, completely ignoring the "produces" parameter for the PostMapping.
The problem can be fixed fixed with ContentNegotiationConfigurer.favorPathExtension(false). As of Spring web 5.3 this should be the default, but still isn't.