Could not find server 'dbo' in sys.servers

I had another issue with the same exception so I'll post here if someone stumble upon it:

Be careful if you specify the server name in synonyms. I had a different server name on my staging machine and production and it caused the same 'cannot find server'-error.

(Guess you shouldn't use synonyms that much anyway but it's useful in some migration scenarios)

It sounds like there is an extra "." (or two) in the mapping - i.e. it is trying to find server.database.schema.object. Check your mapping for stray dots / dubious entries.

Also make sure that the server name matches what you think it is. If you rename the host that SQL Server is running on, you need to rename the SQL Server, too.

Please run select name from sys.servers from the server which you mentioned as default server in configuration file.

Here in name column values should match with your server names used in the report query.

e.g serverXXX.databasename.schema.tablename

serverXXX should be there in the result of select name from sys.servers otherwise it gives error as got.