Could not obtain Google oAuth 2 token on POSTMan

You get access Token only when a Google User Logs in through the google signin page.

Step 1: Redirect" + GoogleClientID + "&redirect_uri=" + Url.Encode(GoogleRedirectURL) + "&response_type=code&scope=email"

Step 2: Now you are on google signin page and you would enter your google credentials.

Step 3 : Google will redirect you back to the redirect_uri that you have configured in the Google Developer Console and you can get the "code" from the QueryString

Step 4: Now you post a form to with client_id, client_secret, redirect_uri, code(you obtained in Step 3), and the grant_type=authorization_code

Result: You should now receive the access_token from Google

BigHomie's suggestion of scope to 'email' worked for me as well. But I used a different Auth URL and Access Token URL than BigHomie, because I think it's been updated.

Auth URL:

Access Token URL: