Couldn't find manifest for 'ios-webkit-debug-proxy' code example

Example: could not find manifest for ios-webkit-debug-proxy

PS C:\Users\OPT> scoop bucket add extras
Checking repo... ok
The extras bucket was added successfully.
PS C:\Users\OPT> scoop install ios-webkit-debug-proxy
Updating Scoop...
Updating 'extras' bucket...
WARN  Scoop configuration has been migrated from '~/.scoop'
WARN  to 'C:\Users\OPT\.config\scoop\config.json'
WARN  The main bucket of Scoop has been separated to ''
WARN  You don't have the main bucket added, adding main bucket for you...
Checking repo... ok
The main bucket was added successfully.
'lastupdate' has been set to '2019-11-26T09:38:15.7859191-08:00'
Scoop was updated successfully!
WARN  Bucket '' not installed. Add it with 'scoop bucket add ' or 'scoop bucket add  <repo>'.
Couldn't find manifest for 'ios-webkit-debug-proxy'.
PS C:\Users\OPT>


Misc Example