"Couldn't find MIDI network driver" crash in iOS 13 simulators

I was getting the same error as you and this frusturated me. I searched for a solution for four days, and finally found one. I hope this will help you as well! Please follow these steps carefully:

  1. Update Xcode to the latest version

  2. Make sure your build target deployment version is set to iOS 13.0

  3. Quit the applications Simulator and Xcode if they are open

  4. Using Finder, navigate to the folder which your version of Xcode is located (mine is in my Applications folder)

  5. Control + click on Xcode, and select 'Show Package Contents'

  6. Navigate to /Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes/iOS.simruntime

  7. Control + click on 'iOS.simruntime', and select 'Show Package Contents'

  8. Navigate to /Contents/MacOS and verify you see a document named 'iOS 13.0'

  9. Exit out of the 'MacOS' folder back to the 'Contents' folder and Navigate to /Resources/RuntimeRoot/System/Library/Audio

  10. Copy the entire 'MIDI Drivers' folder

  11. Exit out of the 'Audio' folder and navigate all the way back to the 'RuntimeRoot' folder

  12. Navigate to /Library/Audio and you should see there is no folder called 'MIDI Drivers' here, only 'Plug-Ins' and 'Tunings'

  13. Paste the 'MIDI Drivers' folder you copied into this 'Audio' folder

  14. Close Finder, relaunch Xcode and try running your project again in the iOS 13 simulator

Now, Xcode should not complain about missing the MIDI Drivers, and your code should run without the EXE_BAD_ACCESS! I hope this helps, and please feel free to reach out to me if you have any more questions.

This is just a simplification of the accepted answer, since I do this often. Assuming your Xcode is in /Applications/Xcode.app:

Copy MIDI Drivers from




and relaunch Xcode.


So it's present in RuntimeRoot/System/Library/Audio and needs to be in RuntimeRoot/Library/Audio as well.