Couldn't find User with id=sign_out

I had the same issue. My routes were in the correct order, the link_to method was properly used, and Rails kept triggering the users/:id route with :id => :sign_out. I figured out that was because I removed jquery_ujs from my application.js file...

jquery_ujs handles the data-method attribute in the links (generated by link_to when you use the method option), which is used to determine the correct route as explained here:

So just make sure the you have the following included in your application.js:

//= require jquery
//= require jquery_ujs

This worked for me


<%= link_to(destroy_user_session_path, {:class => "nav-link", :method => :delete}) do  %>
      <span class="sidebar-normal"> Logout </span>
<% end %>


devise_scope :user do
    get '/users/sign_out' => 'devise/sessions#destroy'

You need to move:

devise_for :users do get '/users/sign_out' => 'devise/sessions#destroy' 

over your devise_scope. Rails is looking for routes from top of Routes file. Your sign out url matches users/:id, hence it is trying to render show action with sign_out being an id.


Actually, do you really need the last line in your devise_scope block?