Count animation from number A to B
Current solutions do update more often than needed. Here a frame based approach, which is accurate:
function animateValue(obj, start, end, duration) {
let startTimestamp = null;
const step = (timestamp) => {
if (!startTimestamp) startTimestamp = timestamp;
const progress = Math.min((timestamp - startTimestamp) / duration, 1);
obj.innerHTML = Math.floor(progress * (end - start) + start);
if (progress < 1) {
const obj = document.getElementById('value');
animateValue(obj, 100, -25, 2000);
div {font-size: 50px;}
<div id="value">100</div>
You can just code it yourself pretty simply:
function animateValue(id, start, end, duration) {
if (start === end) return;
var range = end - start;
var current = start;
var increment = end > start? 1 : -1;
var stepTime = Math.abs(Math.floor(duration / range));
var obj = document.getElementById(id);
var timer = setInterval(function() {
current += increment;
obj.innerHTML = current;
if (current == end) {
}, stepTime);
animateValue("value", 100, 25, 5000);
#value {
font-size: 50px;
<div id="value">100</div>
Here's is a more accurate version that self adjusts in case the timer intervals aren't perfectly accurate (which they sometimes aren't):
function animateValue(id, start, end, duration) {
// assumes integer values for start and end
var obj = document.getElementById(id);
var range = end - start;
// no timer shorter than 50ms (not really visible any way)
var minTimer = 50;
// calc step time to show all interediate values
var stepTime = Math.abs(Math.floor(duration / range));
// never go below minTimer
stepTime = Math.max(stepTime, minTimer);
// get current time and calculate desired end time
var startTime = new Date().getTime();
var endTime = startTime + duration;
var timer;
function run() {
var now = new Date().getTime();
var remaining = Math.max((endTime - now) / duration, 0);
var value = Math.round(end - (remaining * range));
obj.innerHTML = value;
if (value == end) {
timer = setInterval(run, stepTime);
animateValue("value", 100, 25, 5000);
#value {
font-size: 50px;
<div id="value">100</div>