Count records matching pattern with Awk

To get you started you can use awk to search for lines in a file that contain a string like so:

$ awk '/CFS264/ { .... }' lastloggedin

The bits in the { .... } will be the commands required to tally up the number of lines with that string. To confirm that the above is working you could use a print $0 in there to simply print those lines that contain the search string.

$ awk '/CFS264/ { print $0 }' lastloggedin

As to the counting, if you search for "awk counter" you'll stumble upon this SO Q&A titled: using awk to count no of records. The method shown there would suffice for what you describe:

$ awk '/CFS264/ {count++} END{print count}' lastloggedin


$ last > lastloggedin

$ awk '/slm/ {count++} END {print count}' lastloggedin 

$ grep slm lastloggedin  | wc -l

$ grep -c slm lastloggedin

NOTE: You don't say which field CFS264 pertains to in the last output. Assuming it's a username then you could further restrict the awk command to search only that field like so:

$ awk '$1=="CFS264" { print $0 }' lastloggedin

The following example counts the times I am mentioned without needing the lastloggedin file:

$ last | awk '$1=="yeti" { ++count } END { print count }' 

If you insist in using or are forced to use the lastloggedin file, you can do it this way:

$ last > lastloggedin
$ awk '$1=="yeti" { ++count } END { print count }' lastloggedin

Use $1~/some_chars/ to get all user names containig the given chars or $1~/^prefix/ to match only names starting with prefix:

$ last | awk '$1~/et/ { ++count } END { print count }'
$ last | awk '$1~/^ye/ { ++count } END { print count }'


Scan man awk for more hints... ;-)

awk is very rewarding: You can do lots of stuff after a very short time of learning...

Last can includes users logins from previous reboots. As such, the following will only print users since the last reboot:

last | awk 'NR==1,$1=="reboot"{if ($1 ~ /cfs264/ ) { count+=1; }}END{ print count; }'

The first part of the awk command specifies a range - start from the first row until the first column is 'reboot'.