Count the crossing words

Slip, 18 + 3 = 21 bytes

>? ( +(X|$^)<<){2}

Run with the flags no (hence the +3), and uses space/X instead of space/#. Annoyingly this is longer than CJam/Pyth, but I guess Slip wasn't designed to be particular golfy...

Try it online. Note that the first example is missing spaces on a few lines.


>?           Optionally turn right, hence matching either horizontally or vertically
[space]      Match a space
(    ){2}    Group, twice:
[space]+       Match 1+ spaces
(X|$^)         Either an X or the boundary of the grid
<<             Reverse the match pointer by turning left twice

The n flag makes output print the number of matches, and the o flag enables overlapping matches starting from the same square. The reason for the back-and-forth is because Slip tries matches starting from every square, and we want to make sure we only match a full row rather than a partial one. Slip only returns unique matches, even if they started from different positions.

Note: Originally I had >?( +(X|$^)<<){2}, with the first space on the inside. This would miss some cases with 2 space long words at the edge, since the pointer would go like this:

XXX       XXX       XXX       XXX
X>        X >       X<        <
XXX       XXX       XXX       XXX

[sp]    [sp]+$^    <<[sp]    [sp]+   (uh oh match fails)

CJam, 18 17 13 11 bytes

2 bytes saved by Dennis.

Uses spaces for filled cells and 1 for empty cells:


Test it here.


q    e# Read the entire input.
N/   e# Split into lines.
_z   e# Make a copy and transpose it.
+    e# Add the lines of the two grids together.
:~   e# Evaluate each line which will push a rep-digit number for each empty-cell chunk.
1-   e# Remove all the 1s as these correspond to individual empty cells.
,    e# Get the length of the array.

Haskell, 81 bytes

import Data.List
m x=sum[1|(_:_:_)<-words x]
f x=m x+m(unlines$transpose$lines x)

Uses spaces as block characters and any other (non whitespace) character as an empty cell.

How it works: split input into list of words at spaces. Take a 1 for every word with at lease 2 characters and sum those 1s. Apply the same procedure to the transposition (split at \n) of the input. Add both results.