Count the number of vowels in each word of a string

C, 113 108 103 96 bytes

Thanks @andrea-biondo for a particularly nice 5 byte saving.

main(a,v,c)char**v;{do{for(a=0;c=*v[1]++%32;2016%(c+27)||a++);printf("%d ",a);}while(v[1][-1]);}

This still feels sort of bloated so hopefully I can get it down quite some bytes later tonight.

The interesting part is perhaps that


will be 1 if c is an (upper or lower case) ASCII vowel, and 0 for other characters a-zA-Z. The subexpression c-65&31 maps 'a' and 'A' to 0, 'b' and 'B' to 2, etc. When we add 33 the vowels correspond to the numbers 33, 37, 41, 47, 53 respectively, all of which are (conveniently) prime. In our range only such numbers will divide 124701951 = 33*37*41*47*53, ie only for vowels will the remainder of 124701951%(...) be zero.

EDIT: In this way one can consider the expression !(n%((c-65&31)+s)) where (n,s) = (124701951, 33) as determining whether the character c is a vowel. In the comments @andrea-biondo pointed out that the pair (n,s) = (2016,28) can also be used in this expression to determine vowelhood. I'll leave the current explanation in terms of primes above, but the reason this shorter pairing works is again because in the range 28--53 the only numbers with prime factors entirely in the set of prime factors of 2016 are 28, 32, 36, 42, 48, which correspond precisely to the vowels.

EDIT2: Another 5 bytes saved since (c-65&31)+28 can be shortened to c%32+27.

EDIT3: Converted to a do-while loop to finally get it below 100 bytes.

Test cases:

$ ./vowelc "This is the first test case"
1 1 1 1 1 2 
$ ./vowelc "one plus two equals three"
2 1 1 3 2 
$ ./vowelc "aeiou AEIOU"
5 5 
$ ./vowelc "psst"                     

Pyth, 17 bytes


Straightforward solution. Try it online: Demonstration or Test harness


               z   input
              r Z  convert to lower-case
             c     split at spaces
  m                map each word d to:
    @"aeiou"d         filter d for chars in "aeiou"
   l                  length
jd                 join by spaces and implicitly print

CJam, 21 19 bytes


How it works:

r{               }h    e# Read the first word and enter a do-while loop
  el_                  e# Convert the word into lower case and take a copy of it
     "aeiou"           e# All small caps vowels
            -          e# Remove all vowels from the copied word
             -         e# Remove all non-vowels from the original word
              ,        e# At this point, we have a string with all vowels of the word
                       e# Simply take its length
               S       e# Put a space after the number of vowel
                r      e# Read the next word. This serves as the truthy condition for the
                       e# do-while loop for us as if there are no word left, this returns
                       e# null/falsy and the do-while loop is exited

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