Count where two or more columns in a row are over a certain value [basketball, double double, triple double]

Don't know if this is the best way. I first did a select to find out if a stat is double digit and assign it a 1 if it is. Summed all those up to find out total number of double digits per game. From there just sum up all the doubles and triples. Seems to work

select a.player_id,, 
sum(case when a.doubles = 2 then 1 else 0 end) as doubleDoubles, 
sum(case when a.doubles = 3 then 1 else 0 end) as tripleDoubles
(select *, 
(case when points > 9 then 1 else 0 end) +
(case when rebounds > 9 then 1 else 0 end) +
(case when assists > 9 then 1 else 0 end) +
(case when steals > 9 then 1 else 0 end) +
(case when blocks > 9 then 1 else 0  end) as Doubles
from PlayerGameStats) a
group by a.player_id,

Try this out (worked for me on MySQL 5.5):

    (   (points   >= 10)
      + (rebounds >= 10)
      + (assists  >= 10)
      + (steals   >= 10)
      + (blocks   >= 10) 
    ) = 2
  ) double_doubles,
    (   (points   >= 10)
      + (rebounds >= 10)
      + (assists  >= 10)
      + (steals   >= 10)
      + (blocks   >= 10) 
    ) = 3
  ) triple_doubles
FROM PlayerGameStats
GROUP BY player_id, team

Or even shorter, by blatanly ripping off JChao's code from his answer, but taking out the unneeded CASE statements since boolean expr evaluates to {1,0} when {True,False}:

select a.player_id,, 
sum(a.doubles = 2) as doubleDoubles, 
sum(a.doubles = 3) as tripleDoubles
(select *, 
(points > 9) +
(rebounds > 9) +
(assists > 9) +
(steals > 9) +
(blocks > 9) as Doubles
from PlayerGameStats) a
group by a.player_id,

Based on the comments that the above code won't run in PostgreSQL since doesn't like to do boolean + boolean. I still don't like CASE. Here's a way out on PostgreSQL (9.3), by casting to int:

select a.player_id,, 
sum((a.doubles = 2)::int) as doubleDoubles, 
sum((a.doubles = 3)::int) as tripleDoubles
(select *, 
(points > 9)::int +
(rebounds > 9)::int +
(assists > 9)::int +
(steals > 9)::int +
(blocks > 9)::int as Doubles
from PlayerGameStats) a
group by a.player_id,

Here's another take on the problem.

The way I think of it, you're essentially working with pivoted data for the current problem, so the first thing to do is unpivot it. Unfortunately PostgreSQL doesn't provide nice tools to do that, so without getting into dynamic SQL generation in PL/PgSQL, we can at least do:

SELECT player_id, seasonday, 'points' AS scoretype, points AS score FROM playergamestats
SELECT player_id, seasonday, 'rebounds' AS scoretype, rebounds FROM playergamestats
SELECT player_id, seasonday, 'assists' AS scoretype, assists FROM playergamestats
SELECT player_id, seasonday, 'steals' AS scoretype, steals FROM playergamestats
SELECT player_id, seasonday, 'blocks' AS scoretype, blocks FROM playergamestats

This puts the data in a more malleable form, though it's sure not pretty. Here I assume that (player_id, seasonday) is sufficient to uniquely identify players, i.e. the player ID is unique across teams. If it isn't, you'll need to include enough other info to provide a unique key.

With that unpivoted data it's now possible to filter and aggregate it in useful ways, like:

  count(CASE WHEN doubles = 2 THEN 1 END) AS doubledoubles,
  count(CASE WHEN doubles = 3 THEN 1 END) AS tripledoubles
      player_id, seasonday, count(*) AS doubles
        SELECT player_id, seasonday, 'points' AS scoretype, points AS score FROM playergamestats
        UNION ALL
        SELECT player_id, seasonday, 'rebounds' AS scoretype, rebounds FROM playergamestats
        UNION ALL
        SELECT player_id, seasonday, 'assists' AS scoretype, assists FROM playergamestats
        UNION ALL
        SELECT player_id, seasonday, 'steals' AS scoretype, steals FROM playergamestats
        UNION ALL
        SELECT player_id, seasonday, 'blocks' AS scoretype, blocks FROM playergamestats
    ) stats
    WHERE score >= 10
    GROUP BY player_id, seasonday
) doublestats
GROUP BY player_id;

This is far from pretty, and it's probably not that fast. It's maintainable though, requiring minimal changes to handle new types of stats, new columns, etc.

So it's more of a "hey, did you think of" than a serious suggestion. The goal was to model the SQL to correspond to the problem statement as directly as possible, rather than to make it fast.

This was made vastly easier by your use of sane multi-valued inserts and ANSI quoting in your MySQL-oriented SQL. Thankyou; it's nice not to see backticks for once. All I had to change was the synthetic key generation.