Counting +1 primes

JavaScript ES6, 141 bytes 143 147 160

Saves 13 bytes, thanks to @Naouak


Similar method to my TeaScript answer, uses RegExp (you heard me right) to check for primes.


   [...t = n.toString(2)]                  // To binary
   .map((l,i)=>                            // Make cycles
               t.slice(0, v = i+1)
               + 1
               + t.slice(v)
                     a.indexOf(l) == i &&  // Remove Duplicates
                     (p=(n,c)=>            // Prime checking
                               n % c &&
                                 c > n - 2 ||

Pyth, 20 bytes


Test Suite

                        Q = eval(input())
      m           hQ    For insertion position in [0 ... Q]
            .BQ         Convert Q to binary string
           c   ]d       Chop at insertion position
        j\1             Join on '1'
       i         2      Convert to integer
     {                  Deduplicate
 /LPd                   Map each number to the number of times it occurs in its
                        prime factorization, e.g. whether or not it is prime.
s                       Sum and print.

TeaScript, 22 bytes


TeaScript is starting to look like APL... The special characters are converted to longer, commonly repeated sequences

Online interpreter be sure to check "Inputs are numbers."

Explanation && Ungolfed


xT(2)      // Take input, convert to binary
s``m(#     // Loop over input

  P(         // Convert to decimal...
     xT(2)     // Input to binary
     E(i+1,1)  // Inset 1 into (above) at current index in loop

)d()       // Remove duplicates
F($P)      // Filter items that aren't prime
n          // Grab length.