Counting and spelling up

Pyth, 19 bytes


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      rBG1            the list ["", "ABC...XYZ"]
     +    jkUT        appends the string "0123456789"
    J                 save this list of 3 strings in J
   sJ                 join the strings in J
               ._MJ   create all prefixes of the strings in J
              s       and combine them to one list
 XzsJ         s._MJ   translate the input string, chars from sJ
                      get translated to the correct prefix,
                      chars that don't appear in sJ don't get translated
s                     join all resulting translation strings

Python 2.7, 100 98 96 bytes

for c in raw_input():d=ord(c);a+=range(max(d&96|1,48),d)*c.isalnum()+[d]
print bytearray(a)

TeaScript, 24 bytes 26 28

TeaScript is JavaScript for golfing


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x.l(#            // Loops through each character of the string

     (i=l.N()1)  // Determines whether a character is alphanumeric
                 // Will return A-Z, a-z or 0-9 depending on result
                 // Assigns to variable i

     .h(         // Get characters up to...
        i.i      // where the character is in "i"
     ) + 1       // Increased by one