COVID-19 Wolfram Data Repository Retrieval
It never updates for me properly. This is what I do:
ro = ResourceObject["Epidemic Data for Novel Coronavirus COVID-19"];
ro = ResourceObject["Epidemic Data for Novel Coronavirus COVID-19"];
Just delete and re-download.
Wolfram basically just provides some minor convenience by re-formatting the data to a more Mathematica-compatible format. It may be a better idea to take the data from the source directly:
data = SemanticImport[
HeaderLines -> 1
data[All, {1, 2, 5 ;;}][
All, {3 -> KeyMap[DateObject[{#, {"Month", "Day", "Year"}}, "Day"] &] /* TimeSeries}]
Use ResourceUpdate
for this:
data = ResourceData[ResourceUpdate["Epidemic Data for Novel Coronavirus COVID-19"]];