craeting a method that can take any number of arguments in python code example
Example 1: craeting a method that can take any number of arguments in python
def combined_varargs(*args, **kwargs):
combined_varargs(1, 2, 3, a="hi")
Example 2: craeting a method that can take any number of arguments in python
def kwargs_iterate(**kwargs):
for i, k in kwargs.items():
print(i, '=', k)
Example 3: craeting a method that can take any number of arguments in python
def my_min(*args):
result = args[0]
for num in args:
if num < result:
result = num
return result
my_min(4, 5, 6, 7, 2)
Example 4: craeting a method that can take any number of arguments in python
def my_min(*args):
result = args[0]
for num in args:
if num < result:
result = num
return result
my_min(4, 5, 6, 7, 2)