Create a computed @State variable in SwiftUI

Here is an approach I prefer with computed property & binding "on-the-fly"

private var bindableIsVisibleError: Binding<Bool> { Binding (
    get: { self.model.usernameResult.isVisibleError },
    set: { if !$0 { self.model.dismissUsernameResultError() } }

and usage (as specified)

Toggle(isOn: bindableIsVisibleError, label: { EmptyView() })

One solution is to use a Binding directly, which allows you to specify an explicit getter and setter:

func bindableIsVisibleError() -> Binding<Bool> {
    return Binding(
        get: { return self.model.usernameResult.isVisibleError },
        set: { if !$0 { self.model.dismissUsernameResultError() } })

You would then use it like so:

Toggle(isOn: bindableIsVisibleError(), label: { EmptyView() })

Although this works, it doesn't look as clean as using a computed property, and I'm not sure what the best way to create the Binding is? (I.e. using a function as in the example, using a get-only variable, or something else.)