Create a pandas DataFrame from generator?

You cannot create a DataFrame from a generator with the 0.12 version of pandas. You can either update yourself to the development version (get it from the github and compile it - which is a little bit painful on windows but I would prefer this option).

Or you can, since you said you are filtering the lines, first filter them, write them to a file and then load them using read_csv or something else...

If you want to get super complicated you can create a file like object that will return the lines:

def gen():
    lines = [
    for line in lines:
        yield line

class Reader(object):
    def __init__(self, g):
        self.g = g
    def read(self, n=0):
            return next(self.g)
        except StopIteration:
            return ''

And then use the read_csv:

>>> pd.read_csv(Reader(gen()))
  col1 col2
0  foo  bar
1  foo  baz
2  bar  baz

You certainly can construct a pandas.DataFrame() from a generator of tuples, as of version 0.19 (and probably earlier). Don't use .from_records(); just use the constructor, for example:

import pandas as pd
someGenerator = ( (x, chr(x)) for x in range(48,127) )
someDf = pd.DataFrame(someGenerator)


type(someDf) #pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

#0     int64
#1    object
#dtype: object

#      0  1
#69  117  u
#70  118  v
#71  119  w
#72  120  x
#73  121  y
#74  122  z
#75  123  {
#76  124  |
#77  125  }
#78  126  ~