Create an array with repeated numbers

Ruby (recursive), 41 bytes * 0.5 = 20.5

def n(n,i=1);i>n ?[]:n(n,i+1)+[*i..n];end

Or using a lambda (as recommended by histocrat and Ventero): 34 bytes * 0.5 = 17


(call using r[argument])

Pyth, 9 bytes * 0.5 = 4.5


With help from @FryAmTheEggman

Try it online.


s             reduce + on list
 m            map
  rhQhd       lambda d: reversed(range(d+1, Q+1)), over
       UQ     range(Q)

where Q is the input.

Haskell, 31 characters = 15.5 score

f n=[y|x<-[n,n-1..1],y<-[x..n]]

27 characters without the bonus

f n=[x|x<-[1..n],_<-[1..x]]

Beaten by Proud Haskeller