Create annotation to a contact entity in Microsoft Dynamics CRM by API
Part 1:
MS Docs Reference: Deep Insert
You can create entities related to each other by defining them as navigation properties values. This is known as deep insert. As with a basic create, the response
header contains the Uri of the created entity. The URIs for the related entities created arenât returned.
Below code is to create Account (1), create + associate Primary contact (2), create & Associate Opportunity (3) and create + associate Task (4)
POST [Organization URI]/api/data/v8.2/accounts HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
OData-MaxVersion: 4.0
OData-Version: 4.0
Accept: application/json
"name": "Sample Account",
"firstname": "John",
"lastname": "Smith"
"name": "Opportunity associated to Sample Account",
{ "subject": "Task associated to opportunity" }
Part 2:
Associating annotation to contact uses the below syntax.
note["objectid_contact@odata.bind"] = "/contacts(C5DDA727-B375-E611-80C8-00155D00083F)";
Refer SO link & blog
Part 3:
Answer to your comment on another answer about annotation_id_from_first_request
To get the created record Id in response from last request, you can parse like below:
//get Response from Created Record
entityIdWithLink = XMLHttpRequest.getResponseHeader("OData-EntityId");
//get EntityId from ResponseHeader of Created Record
getEntityId = entityIdWithLink.split(/[()]/);
getEntityId = getEntityId[1];
You can read more
You can compose your POST request so that data from the created record will be returned with a status of 201 (Created).
To get this result, you must use thereturn=representation
preference in the request headers. To control which properties are returned, append the $select query option to the URL to the entity set.
The $expand query option will be ignored if used. When an entity is created in this way theOData-EntityId
header containing the URI to the created record is not returned
Note: This capability was added with December 2016 update for Dynamics 365
MS Docs Reference: Create with data returned
If anyone looking for working payload sample to deep insert a record + annotation, the below is from my project:
data = {
"new_attribute1": "test attribute 1",
"new_attribute2": "test attribute 2",
"new_comments": "test comments",
"new_recordurl": recordURL,
"notetext": "Screenshot attached",
"subject": "Attachment",
"mimetype": file.type,
"documentbody": base64str,
I've found this working, but in two requests:
POST [organization URI]/api/data/annotations
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Accept: application/json
"notetext": "TEST"
POST [organization URI]/api/data/contacts(f76e4e7c-ea61-e511-80fd-3863bb342b00)/Contact_Annotation/$ref
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Accept: application/json
"": "[organization URI]/annotations(annotation_id_from_first_request)"
value is taken form first request's response.
Instead of using objectid@odata.bind
, you have to use objectid_contact@odata.bind
. This results are in:
"objectid_contact@odata.bind": "/contacts(f76e4e7c-ea61-e511-80fd-3863bb342b00)"
To get the list of properties, look under the single-valued navigation properties in the documentation.