Create code behind file after aspx has been created

I don't know of an automated way to do this, but if there is no server side code in the existing *.aspx files then it should just be a case of adding the .cs codebehind files and then wiring them up in the <%@ Page tag like so:

<%@ Page Title="YourPageTitle" Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="YourPage.aspx.cs" Inherits="YourNamespace.YourPage" %>

Note: This will not create the YourPage.aspx.designer.cs file. (I usually delete these anyway as they cause merge issues - i find it easier to add the controls i need to reference to my code-behind file manually.)

The other alternative is to just create a new "Web Form" for each page with the correct names and then copy and paste the existing markup into them. If you do have server code in the existing *.aspx files then you will need to manually copy it to the code-behind.

After you add the new .cs file, you may want to see the file look like a codebehind file (indented, icon, etc). To do so:

  1. Unload the project
  2. Edit the project
  3. Find the new filename (file.aspx.cs) in the section with files.
  4. Add an xml node for DependentUpon.
  5. Save and Close the project
  6. Reload the project

For a file Profile.aspx.cs, the xml should look something like this:

<Compile Include="Profile.aspx.cs">

Based on what I found here:

  1. Right click on your solution explorer.
  2. Add New Item -> Class File.
  3. Name the file as the name of your aspx eg: Default.aspx.cs
  4. When it asks you the file should be in app_code click "no".
  5. In your aspx in page attribute add

    AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="Default"
  6. Similarly in your class file that you just added remove everything. Your class should look like this:

    //all namespaces go here
    public partial class Default : System.Web.UI.Page
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)