Create daemon on ubuntu 16.04

Solution 1:

Adding to @Juanjo Aguilella Marés answer, and once you have copied/linked your script to /etc/systemd/system, you may want to automatically start it when the server starts:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable my_service.service
sudo systemctl start my_service.service

Source Digital Ocean

It is also a good idea not to run it as root. Just change the user line on your script:


Solution 2:

I solved the problem:

a) Create a file crawler.service in /etc/systemd/system with this code:

Description=Crawler cache Service



my bash file contains a diferent executations on parallel to the same php file with this code:

php /var/www/
sleep 0.1
    php /var/www/
sleep 0.2
    php /var/www/
sleep 0.3
    php /var/www/
sleep 0.4
    php /var/www/

the sleep between execitions es necessary to save the problem about the execution so fast of the service.

If you have any suggestion about the solution, please comment, I dont have a lot of experience in bash files and systemd files, but at the moment works fine.

Solution 3:

The init system for 14.04 is upstart. The init system for 16.04 is systemd. You should convert your upstart script to a systemd unit file. There are plenty of other resources available too.

Solution 4:

1]. To create a service go to /etc/systemd/system/

2]. Create a file of serviceName e.g chatSocket.service

3]. Put content to file as given bellow

Description=Your PHP Daemon Service
#Requires=mysqld.service memcached.service #May your script needs mysql or other services to run.
#After=mysqld.service memcached.service

ExecStart=/usr/bin/php -f /home/shrikant/workspace/app/Http/Controllers/server.php  2>&1> /dev/null #path to script
#ExecStop=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID
#ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID


StandardOutput=null #If you don't want to make toms of logs you can set it null if you sent a file or some other options it will send all php output to this one.
StandardError=/home/shrikant/workspace/app/Http/Controllers/chatSocket.log #path to error log file

4]. Reload configuration by hitting:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload

5]. Enable service by default so when system start service will automatically start:

sudo systemctl enable my_service.service

6]. Start your service by using command below:

sudo systemctl start my_service.service