Create file in folder: permission denied

First of all you have to know that the default permission of directories in Ubuntu is 644 which means you can't create a file in a directory you are not the owner.

you are trying as user:francisco-vergara to create a file in a directory /home/sixven/camp_sms/inputs which is owned by user:sixven.

So how to solve this:

  1. You can either change the permission of the directory and enable others to create files inside.

    sudo chmod -R 777 /home/sixven/camp_sms/inputs

    This command will change the permission of the directory recursively and enable all other users to create/modify and delete files and directories inside.

  2. You can change the owner ship of this directory and make user:francisco-vergara as the owner

    sudo chown -R francisco-vergara:francisco-vergara /home/sixven/camp_sms/inputs

    But like this the user:sixven can't write in this folder again and thus you may moving in a circular infinite loop.

So i advise you to use Option 1.

Or if this directory will be accessed by both users you can do the following trick:

change ownership of the directory to user:francisco-vergara and keep the group owner group:sixven.

sudo chown -R francisco-vergara /home/sixven/camp_sms/inputs

Like that both users can still use the directory.

But as I said you before It's easiest and more efficient to use option 1.

To change the file ownership, do this as root:

chown -R user:user /home/sixven

If you decide to go the chmod way:

If you know that the user is part of the group of the file

chmod -R g+rw /home/sixven


chmod -R o+rw /home/sixven

But this way is not too secure.


