Create job to send alert using sp_send_dbmail when table value greater than x
You can use convert (date, GETDATE())
to get just the 'date' part:
select GETDATE(), convert (date, GETDATE())
----------------------- ----------
2012-11-16 08:58:20.750 2012-11-16
And if you're only ever going to be comparing 'date' parts, it might be worth changing the datatype in your table to DATE
, to save having to convert each time you query it.
For an IF
statement you need to pass in a value to be checked, and then wrap the code to be run within BEGIN
and END
statements. Here's an example using the sysobjects table:
declare @cnt integer
select @cnt=COUNT(1) from sysobjects
if @cnt>50
select 'hello'
which will say hello if you've more than 50 objects in your DB
So in your case:
declare @counter integer
select @counter=MAX([Counter]) from SMSCounter where convert(date,CounterDate) = convert(date,GETDATE())
IF @counter > 950
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
@body='1000 Daily SMS cap near',
@subject ='1000 Daily SMS cap near',
@profile_name ='SCOTT',
@query = '(select * from DATABASEname.dbo.SMSCounter where convert(date,CounterDate) = convert)(Date,GETDATE()))'
I've added a MAX
function to your check query, as this will only return a single row containing the maximum value for that day, otherwise it'll return a random value from all the matching rows. If you're overwriting the day's value each time you write to the table, then it's superfluous.