Create jre from OpenJDK Windows
Inspired by the article Using jlink to Build Java Runtimes for non-Modular Applications I used the commands:
java --list-modules
to get a list of all openjdk modules availablejlink --no-header-files --no-man-pages --compress=2 --add-modules <module-list from step 1> --output java-runtime
to create a compact jre.
For OpendJDK 12 this is the command I ended up with:
jlink --no-header-files --no-man-pages --compress=2 --add-modules java.base,java.compiler,java.datatransfer,java.desktop,java.instrument,java.logging,,,java.naming,,java.prefs,java.rmi,java.scripting,,,,java.smartcardio,java.sql,java.sql.rowset,java.transaction.xa,java.xml,java.xml.crypto,jdk.accessibility,jdk.aot,jdk.attach,jdk.charsets,jdk.compiler,jdk.crypto.cryptoki,,jdk.crypto.mscapi,jdk.dynalink,jdk.editpad,jdk.hotspot.agent,jdk.httpserver,jdk.internal.ed,jdk.internal.jvmstat,jdk.internal.le,jdk.internal.opt,,jdk.internal.vm.compiler,,jdk.jartool,jdk.javadoc,jdk.jcmd,jdk.jconsole,jdk.jdeps,jdk.jdi,jdk.jdwp.agent,jdk.jfr,jdk.jlink,jdk.jshell,jdk.jsobject,jdk.jstatd,jdk.localedata,,,,jdk.naming.dns,jdk.naming.rmi,,jdk.pack,jdk.rmic,jdk.scripting.nashorn,,jdk.sctp,,,jdk.unsupported,jdk.unsupported.desktop,jdk.xml.dom,jdk.zipfs --output java-runtime
As others have mentioned, there's no longer a separate JRE distributed with the JDK since Java 9. You will need to use jlink
and specify the modules your code depends on to generate a custom jre.
Because this can be a hassle, I've created a web-based tool to make it easier to create a custom JRE from an OpenJDK implementation (such as Oracle HotSpot, Eclipse OpenJ9, or Amazon Corretto) using jlink
. The tool will give you the correct jlink
command to run depending on your needs.
I've also included a way to make a standard Java SE JRE for those who just want a basic lightweight (~40-60 MB) JRE. If you know how to use a terminal, it'll take you less than 2 minutes to create a general-use JRE for JDK 9 and up.
Give it a try here - EasyJRE:
So I'm going to post something a little bit easier than what was posted by SteinarH. I didn't want to have to compile that list myself so.... this does it for you. Also for the sense of being a bit more concise I wouldn't label it java-runtime
but instead jre-11
(or whatever version you are using).
This is PowerShell:
jlink --no-header-files --no-man-pages --compress=2 --add-modules $($(java --list-modules) -join "," -replace "@[0-9]*") --output jre-11
Amazon Corretto OpenJDK has the builds for JDK and JRE