Create node from markup string

There's not an existing cross-browser function for this. The following method can be used to achieve the desired effect (using a DocumentFragment for an optimized performance, based on this answer):

function appendStringAsNodes(element, html) {
    var frag = document.createDocumentFragment(),
        tmp = document.createElement('body'), child;
    tmp.innerHTML = html;
    // Append elements in a loop to a DocumentFragment, so that the browser does
    // not re-render the document for each node
    while (child = tmp.firstChild) {
    element.appendChild(frag); // Now, append all elements at once
    frag = tmp = null;

Usage (indention for readability):

   "<table><tbody><tr><td><input type='text' value='0' /></td></tr></tbody></table>"

Yes, you can do that.

var myNewTable = document.createElement("table");
myNewTable.innerHTML = "<tbody><tr><td><input type='text' value='0' /></td></tr></tbody>"