Create React App: using environment variables in index.html

From the docs (here):

  • make sure your react-scripts dependency version is equal or greater than 0.0.9
  • create a .env file at the same level of your package.json
  • make sure all you variables start with REACT_APP_; for example REACT_APP_TITLE
  • use them in you js / ts code using process.env.REACT_APP_XXX
  • or in you html code surrounding it with % ie <title>%REACT_APP_TITLE%</title>
  • restart your development server / re-compile your app when making changes to your .env file

If you want environmental variable in script tag, put the variable in quote:

<script src="" async

I just tried with an (almost) new CRA setup and it works.

  <title>React App</title>
  <script type="text/javascript">
   console.log("%REACT_APP_TEST%") // OK
   console.log("%NODE_ENV%") // development

Did you try restarting the server? I just tried changing the test variable with your example and it works if you restart the development server.

As someone pointed out in the comments, the official documentation of CRA has a section about that.

Make sure you restart your create-react-app when adding variables into the .env file

Also make sure you have >= [email protected]

I use .env variables for the meta title of a site with various language versions of the build:
