Create tabular/table with exact width
Try this simple code:
\textbf{tabularx package}\par\vspace{5pt}
\begin{tabularx}{14mm}{ |X|X| }
\hspace{2pt}foo & \hspace{2pt}bar \\
\end{tabularx} (1)
It's not completely clear what the requirements are but as far as I can see you want a table with two equal columns, three vertical rules and a total width of 14mm, for that I would do the following.
\setlength\zz{\dimexpr 14mm - 4\tabcolsep-3\arrayrulewidth}
foo &bar\\
You could define a phantom vrule that takes the same space as a standard rule. Or the other way round a vrule that doesn't take space:
\setlength\arrayrulewidth{4pt} %for better view
\newcolumntype\vline{!{\hspace{-0.5\arrayrulewidth}\vrule width \arrayrulewidth\hspace{-0.5\arrayrulewidth}}}
blb& blb \\
\begin{tabular}{p{\dimexpr1cm-2\tabcolsep}\pvline p{\dimexpr1cm-2\tabcolsep}}
blb& blb
\begin{tabular}{p{\dimexpr1cm-2\tabcolsep}\vline p{\dimexpr1cm-2\tabcolsep}}
blb& blb\\
\begin{tabular}{p{\dimexpr1cm-2\tabcolsep} p{\dimexpr1cm-2\tabcolsep}}
blb& blb